Large Format Samples

Full resolution 80MPix samples

High resolution 80 megapixel samples made with large format 4x5 camera. Taken with Toyo 45 and Tachihara cameras.

Thanks to big discounts of Large Format Cameras (for example Toyo 4x5” with Rodenstock Geronar sells about 1,500), there is no longer problem for ordinary photographer to make 120 MPix shots. Let’s see:

4" x 5" - Film Frame Dimensions
2400dpi - Resolution of Flatbed scanner

MPix resolution = 4 * 2400 * 5 * 2400 ~= 115 Mpix(!)

Real samples

Samples has been taken with Toyo 4x5” or Tachihara, Rodenstock Geronar lens at 150 mm, sheet film 4x5”. Scanned on Epson Perfection 4990.

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